First, I grew up in Idaho, and I will never forget being in the back country of Idaho, on the Sawtooth mountain trail, and seeing some real-life shepherds. Like the real thing, long beard, smelled to high heaven, leading a huge flock of sheep. It struck me then that this was a real specimen of folks who were living out in the wide open, "keeping watch over their flocks at night" (Chrisimas Bible). Here is an article from 1971 about some of those shepherds, who were of Basque cultural origin, and living out under the stars.

Second, I have been preaching for the past 5 weeks on the topic of "No Fear - God Near". Here are 33 texts to think about in terms of God being near us, and our need to not have fear. I encourage you to read these texts as much as you are able through this national crisis.
Finally, several of you have asked for the picture of Smokey, who shot a basketball from the middle of the street and got a three point shot. Smokey is a part of the law enforcement profession of Paso Robles, and an essential employee of that county.
Hope you are all hanging in there!
God Bless!
All For Now,