Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The First Televangelist

I was reading a book recently about the 16th century Reformer, Martin Luther.  WAIT!  I know, Martin Luther is sort of a boring topic to write a blog post about.  However, I just learned something very interesting about Martin Luther.  He was really the first "televangelist", "mass media pastor".  In today's terms he might have been considered the Rick Warren of pastors, or Billy Graham, or what have you.

As you know, the Gothenburg Press was just being invented and used for mass communication purposes about the time of the Reformation.  What I didn't realize, is that Luther never really intended for his famous "95 Theses" to be published.  Luther simply wrote up a series of debating theses, for his students at seminary to be debating in class, that involved the Catholic Church.  You remember your debate days: "Resolved that a Comprehensive System of Health Care Reform be Implemented". Someone found his theses, thought they were so good, that they mass produced them and sent them around the entire German countryside.  Before Luther knew it, he was famous.

This has gotten me to thinking about the importance of mass communication when it comes to modern day church work.  When I was first starting New Churches with my brother Jamie, about 10 years ago, the best way to get your name out as a church was to send mass mailers in snail mail.  These still have some impact.  However, today, online platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, are actually much better.  Each week, I film a little video snippet for these, letting the larger community know what God is doing at Burlpres.

Frankly, this blogsite used to be a wonderful way to reach people, however, technology has changed, as new digital platforms have emerged.

If you are a pastor of a church, or are in a congregation that doesn't use mass media to reach the larger world, you are missing out.  If Martin Luther could do it, so can you!

All For Now,


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