Monday, May 16, 2016

Don't Ever Give Up On People - Ever

Two truths continue to be reinforced in my life and my ministry.  First, God is good.  Second, most people eventually "come around", no matter how busy, hurt, angry, broken, confused, or against God they initially appear to be.  And so, I have developed a personal motto surrounding this theme:

Don't Ever Give Up On People - Ever

Many years ago, while I was pastor of Highlands Church in Paso Robles, a young man came to church one day who was totally against God and organized religion in general.  I knew that because he told me so at the back door after the service.  "How can you people sleep at night," he said.  I took, "you people" to mean pastors in general.  I knew a little bit about his personal life.  He had recently been divorced.  His father had struggled through addiction to alcohol and other drugs.  His son was now in the custody of his very estranged ex-wife.  He was really angry.  "How can you believe in God when everything in the world will tell you that God doesn't exist," I can remember him telling me as he left church that first and what I assumed to be his last Sunday.  But something inside told me not to give up on him.  And so, I wasn't totally surprised to see him at church the next Sunday.  And the next, and the next.  Each week, his anger seemed to dissipate little by little.  Long story short, he was baptized as a member of the church about a year later.  I can still remember his tattooed neck bowing downward as the water dripped down his shoulders and I prayed over him.

Don't Ever Give Up On People - Ever

Once, also many years ago, I was being interviewed for a job in a church.  The whole committee seemed to really connect with me, and I with them.  One man, though, seemed to have problems with every aspect of my ministry.  He was more theologically conservative than I was and grew up in a Pentecostal tradition.  My longstanding Presbyterian roots seemed to rub him in every wrong direction.  Does God choose us or do we choose God?  Is infant baptism defensible?  Was the world created in 7 days or 70 million years?  Can women serve at the highest levels of ministry?  Can a person be baptized with a sprinkling of water, or does it require full immersion?  We seemed to disagree on almost every subject.  Again, long story short, by some miracle of the Holy Spirit, our differences and disagreements never got in the way of our basic friendship.  We cared for one another, plain and simple.  We have remained in touch for many years now.  I can honestly say that he is one of my best friends.  I would do almost anything for him, and he for me.  On some issues I have become more conservative through the years.  On some issues he has become more open minded.  We have helped each other grow.

Don't Ever Give Up On People - Ever

This past Christmas Eve as we were holding our second worship service of the evening, a family walked through the door of the Spanish Hills Country Club (the venue of our Christmas Eve service last year).  Though this family were very active in the church in the beginning, I had not seen them in over a year and a half.  Frankly, I thought, they have probably begun to attend another church, which was fine, I told myself, as long as they have found somewhere to worship.  And yet, something told me to not give up on them.  So, I called them on the phone on an occasional Saturday and asked if they would like prayers for anything.  I sent them "Mission Blast" emails and newsletters.  When they saw me they beamed with happiness.  They introduced me to their friends, "Let me introduce you to our pastor, Graham Baird".  I was their pastor?  Wow.  They continued, "This is our church, and we are so proud of it."  This was their church?  Incredible.  I'm glad I didn't give up on them.

Don't Ever Give Up On People - Ever

All For Now,


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